
Tony McLellan began his business career at age 15, managing the family sheep station when his father died. Tony grew up on a sheep station mending fences and killing rabbits. It turned out to be the perfect apprenticeship for a business high-flyer who crossed the Atlantic on the Concorde as casually as most people catch a bus.

Moving to the city to study, he graduated summa cum laude, and then spent half his working life abroad.

A crisis in his business and family life at the age of 47 taught him the deeper meaning of achievement: The path to a truly successful life begins when you focus on serving others.

Tony's responsibilities include the development of a new city in Egypt. Later he served as the president and CEO of a number of major international corporations, transacting business in more than twenty countries.

A proven leader, since returning to Australia, Tony has been elected the chairman of a number of listed public mining companies. He was the founder and chairman of Chrysos Corporation Limited, in partnership with the CSIRO.

With a passion for the poor, Tony has served as a director of several not-for-profit organisations, both overseas and in Australia. He is now chairman emeritus of Australian Christian Lobby. Married for 60 years, Tony and Rae are the proud parents of three children and grandparents of two princes and six princesses.